Fall Redfishing in the Lowcountry
The weather is starting to cool down, water temps are dropping and the fish are getting happy. Although the fishery in Charleston is great year-round there really isn’t a better time in the Lowcountry than the fall. With the flood tides still firing off in the brisk early mornings, they are starting to come to an end. It’s time to turn our attention to muddy skiffs, cold hands, and BIG fish in shallow water.

Past weekend
This past weekend we had the pleasure of teaming up with Sweetwater Brewery and their Guide Beer brew to enjoy the (semi fall) Lowcountry fishery. This time of year, not only does the fishery come alive but the sunsets become breathtaking. With the flood tides being close to sunset we knew we didn’t have a lot of time to work with on the flats… So we made the best out of what we had.

Water rolling in on the flat as the sun started to creep closer towards the horizon and a blinding glare we were presented with our first opportunity. Standing on the cooler acting as a second set of eyes, fighting a glare that seemed to create a mirage of tailing fish; “Tailer 11 o’clock 40 feet moving right to left ”gets shouted from the poling platform. GAME ON! PK starts his cast, the fly drops 5 feet past and 5 feet to the left….. “ bring it..bring it, bring it; faster, faster, faster… GOT EM!!” Mission accomplished 1 shot, 1 fish.

“Let’s go get another one”
Back to the poling platform and eyes back on the lookout. Wait!!! not before a little swig of some celebratory rum. Now, back to work. 20 minutes, a couple of life stories and a few more swigs of rum our second opportunity arises. HAPPY HAPPY fish doing a headstand on the flat. “Alright here we go, 35 feet moving left” PK takes his shot, perfectly led, “bring it, bring it, bring it”, “Okay recast he’s moving right now”.
Playing merry go round
After playing merry go round with this tailing redfish for about 15 minutes he finally settles down. “Slowly moving left, put it on his f**ckin’ nose” PK starts his cast, drops the fly, RIGHT ON HIS NOSE. “that’ll work, let’s see what direction he wants to go today….GOT HIM!!!” We land the fish and back to the water you go, buddy, till next time! A few more celebratory swigs as we move our way off the flat. Pack er’ up boys time to head home! Stoke level HIGH!

Job well-done gentleman, a hell of a weekend with some incredible people. I couldn’t ask for a better group of people or a better brand to be teamed up with. Big thanks to everyone.